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Warrior On, Peacemakers

To my fellow peacemakers. To the weary and burdened among us. To those of you listening and learning. To those who lament.

We have heard stories of injustice, racial profiling, and racism for years. None of it is new. Thanks to camera phones and social media, we bear witness to these stories like never before.

Week after week, as new accounts emerge, our long history of dismissal and doubt gets chipped away.

We have to be careful though. If we only watch injustice unfold on the stage of social media, we may be left feeling more separate, divided, and confused than ever. Don’t let this be your only lens. It may feel like things are worsening, but the division and pain have been there since the beginning. 

We have a deep wound in this nation. A wound we have barely attempted to bandage.

In order to move toward healing in this nation, white people need to listen and observe. Sit with people. Make space for their stories and perspectives. Sit in discomfort. Allow our thoughts and views to be challenged by people who have lived experiences.

We can talk about hard things. We need to. It’s taken hundreds of years to get to this point, and it’s not going to heal overnight. But each person can make a difference. One person at a time, one interaction at a time, one movement toward greater understanding and unity at a time.

Warrior on fellow peacemakers.

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