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Warrior On, Peacemakers

To my fellow peacemakers. To the weary and burdened among us. To those of you listening and learning. To those […]

Thoughts On Grief

Some grief is so deep, so scary, and so dark that we dare not go near it. Living through and […]

The Drug Window

There's a brief window of time that I've come to cherish immensely; a time when I get to experience my child without the haze of drugs clouding his mind and personality. I call it the drug window.

The Gift of Presence

I find myself in that place again. That place where my life is packed into boxes, and I’m trying desperately […]

The Illusion of Intimacy

I’ve noticed a theme in many of the stories being shared on social media these days. I was deeply touched by The Innovation […]

One Foot In

Days like these pull me back into the reality of living in China. Days like these make me wonder if it is worth it, if this is the right thing for my children. I think about all of the people who live in the reality of extreme air pollution because they have to, and I am again reminded that I am a mere visitor in this place.

One More Ride

Every time I ride my scooter, I feel free and alive and part of something more. I’m just like everyone […]